
  • The National Assembly of Angola passed the Gaming Act
    The National Assembly of Angola passed the Gaming Act Angola Regulation
    The National Assembly of Angola passed the Gaming Act with 169 votes in favor, two abstentions, and no votes against during its 7th Ordinary Plenary Meeting of the 2nd Legislative Session of the 5th Legislature.
    July 19, 2024
  • Angolan National Assembly approves Gaming Activity Bill
    Angolan National Assembly approves Gaming Activity Bill Angola Regulation
    The deputies of the Angolan National Assembly of the specialty committee approved the Gaming Activity Bill in a joint meeting, garnering 38 votes in favor. The law, unanimously approved on July 15, aims to establish a legal framework for regulating and controlling gambling while safeguarding the rights of players and operators.
    July 15, 2024
  • Angola hosts Responsible Gambling Fair at Luanda Bay
    Angola hosts Responsible Gambling Fair at Luanda Bay Angola Regulation
    The National Association Against Drugs (ANLD), in collaboration with the Gaming Supervision Institute (ISJ), will host the Responsible Gambling Fair on July 5th and 6th of this year at Luanda Bay.
    July 4, 2024
  • Angola awards National Lottery concession to Mota Tavares & Jogo
    Angola awards National Lottery concession to Mota Tavares & Jogo Angola
    Angolan Ministry of Finance, through the Games Supervision Institute (ISJ), has announced that the operator Mota & Tavares Jogo SA, owner of the online betting house Elephant Bet, has won the Public Tender for the concession of social games, including the National and Instant Lottery, Totoloto, and Totobola. This decision follows a rigorous process of analysis and evaluation of the proposal docume...
    June 4, 2024
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