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Zimbabwe casinos ban winning prophet after $30,000 jackpot vision

Zimbabwe casinos ban winning prophet after $30,000 jackpot vision

Image source: unsplash.com

Prophet Emmanuel Mutumwa from Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, asserts that God revealed the winning casino numbers to him in a vision. He won a jackpot exceeding US$30,000. However, the celebrations were short-lived as multiple casinos reportedly banned him, alleging concerns about excessive payouts to a player believed to have supernatural assistance. In an exclusive interview with B-Metro, Archbishop Mutumwa condemned the bans as unethical and predatory.

The Archbishop disclosed using his prize money to support his community, including paying school fees for church members' children and providing startup funds for local businesses. His actions, he emphasized, were guided by a vision that saw the winnings as a means to bless others in need.

In light of his success, Archbishop Mutumwa also defended the practice of gambling, framing it as a test of faith and an opportunity for charitable giving. He noted an increase in requests for spiritual guidance on gambling since his win, suggesting a broader acceptance of his approach within his community.

Some churchgoers seek Mutumwa's guidance on winning lottery games and bets.

Casinos can restrict or close accounts of consistent winners, says a local casino manager. This practice is legal and written in terms and conditions, the manager added.

Published June 16, 2024 by Brian Oiriga
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