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Surviving in conditions of gambling advertising regulation: Tips from Slotegrator

Gambling advertising regulations are getting more and more strict in markets all over the world. Authorities add new rules as a response to a general global shift towards a safer environment for players, and players are more aware and informed than ever before. This is definitely a positive trend, shaping a new, better, iGaming world. The question is: how to succeed in such a world?

The Netherlands implemented a ban on most forms of gambling advertising in 2023. Bulgaria banned gambling advertising in April this year. Belgium defined a list of permitted forms of gambling advertising (and banned all other forms). Australia is considering a comprehensive ban on gambling advertising right now. The list of countries that revised their policy in this matter goes on.

However marketing is key in business, and it’s especially true for gambling business — retention strategies are important, but online casinos simply don’t exist without stable traffic. In a situation when classic advertising channels, like TV, radio, sponsorships, or printed banners, are not available, there should be other ways to promote business. Every company has its own idea about marketing investment and there is no general rule on how much this expense should make, however it might easily reach 50% — this is how significant promotion is for gambling companies. The important part of it is to return this investment.

Slotegrator released its new downloadable material on gambling advertising regulation. This synopsis describes the most common restrictions regulators impose on online casinos and betting platforms and examples of how different countries define them.

The report also provides tips from the Slotegrator team on three stages of marketing: PR, acquisition, and retention, taking into account the nuances of advertising regulation that might occur in markets of operation.

“It’s hard to overestimate the importance of responsible gaming and player protection. From this perspective, strict regulations seem very reasonable. However we work in the industry for years and understand the struggle behind growing your business in such conditions. We provide a lot of useful information on our website in the Academy section, this time it’s in a form of downloadable guide — check it out, we gathered several really working tips” says Svetlana Kirichenko, the Head of Marketing from Slotegrator. 

Download the PDF on Slotegrator’s website and request a consultation in case of additional questions.

Published August 29, 2024 by Brian Oiriga
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