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Peru targets $21 million in tax revenue from online gambling and sports betting in 2025

Peru’s National Superintendence of Customs and Tax Administration (SUNAT) has announced that it expects to collect approximately $21 million in tax revenue from online gaming and sports betting in 2025. This revenue will be generated through a 12% tax on winnings and a 0.03% Selective Consumption Tax (ISC) applied to each bet, marking a significant step in regulating and taxing the growing digital gaming industry.

The announcement was made by SUNAT Superintendent Víctor Mejía during the 3rd Technical Conference of the Network of Tax Organizations (NTO) in Panama. Mejía highlighted that Peru has implemented a simplified registration and tax collection system for both domestic and foreign companies operating in the online gaming and sports betting sector. This system allows companies to register, declare, and pay taxes from abroad, including payments in U.S. dollars.

Mejía noted that the 12% tax on winnings and the 0.03% ISC are part of Peru’s broader strategy to ensure that the rapidly expanding online gaming industry contributes fairly to the national tax base. He also mentioned that three out of four major non-resident gaming companies authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Tourism (Mincetur) have already registered with Peru’s Taxpayer Registry (RUC), with a fourth in the process of doing so.

In addition to the 21 million expected from online gambling and sports betting SUNAT projects a total of 180 million in tax revenue from the General Sales Tax (IGV) on digital services and the import of intangible goods. Combined, these revenues are expected to reach over $200 million in 2025, reflecting Peru’s efforts to modernize its tax system and capture revenue from the digital economy.

Published February 24, 2025 by Brian Oiriga
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