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Nigeria's National Lottery Trust Fund joins forces with STEAM to empower children

Nigeria's National Lottery Trust Fund joins forces with STEAM to empower children

Image source: NLTF

The National Lottery Trust Fund (NLTF) of Nigeria is set to collaborate with STEAM, a U.S.-based non-profit organization, to empower Nigerian children. The announcement follows a meeting between NLTF Executive Secretary Comrade Tosin Adeyanju and STEAM's President, Professor Hauwa Ibrahim, who leads The Peace Institute in the United States.

STEAM is dedicated to positively impacting the lives of children, particularly those who are displaced, street vendors, and vulnerable populations. The organization has a proven track record of transforming lives and helping individuals become professionals.

This proposed partnership aims to leverage STEAM's extensive experience, which spans over 200 years, in making a difference globally. The NLTF recognizes the importance of collaborating with STEAM to harness their diverse talents for the benefit of children across Nigeria.

The Executive Secretary of the National Lottery Trust Fund Tosin Adeyanju thanked the STEAM team for their commitment to changing lives through their organization. He emphasized the significance of the partnership in creating a meaningful impact and acknowledged the volunteers who bravely chose to work in Nigeria despite safety concerns.

Established by the National Lottery Act of 2005, the NLTF aims to utilize lottery proceeds to support various sectors, including health, education, culture, sports, and rural development, contributing to Nigeria's economic growth and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 

The NLTF receives 20% of the total revenue generated from lottery operations to finance intervention projects nationwide.

Published August 16, 2024 by Brian Oiriga
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