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Live casinos proposed to be legalized in the Czech Republic

Live casinos proposed to be legalized in the Czech Republic

Image source: unsplash.com, Michal Parzuchowski

The Czech Republic has proposed to legalize live casinos. The corresponding proposal was made by the government of the European country within the framework of amendments to the law on gambling, in force in the country since 2017.

Currently, only online slots and online casino games are allowed in the country. The authorities plan to expand the offer in this segment.

In addition, it is proposed to oblige all legal operators, both land-based and online, to introduce a "panic button" function. The button should be displayed in a prominent place and, if pressed, should immediately block players from gambling for 48 hours. Players will also be able to self-exclude for a certain period and extend their exclusion.

It is also proposed to expand the self-exclusion from gambling register to include those facing criminal investigation.

The planned amendments have been sent to the European Commission for consideration.

Published July 22, 2023 by Brian Oiriga
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