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Kenyan Gambling Control Bill introduces new regulator

Kenyan Gambling Control Bill introduces new regulator

Image source: unsplash.com, Amani Nation

A bill introduced in parliament this week proposes establishing a new gambling regulatory authority to oversee Kenya's betting and gambling industry.

The sector has seen rapid growth in recent years, but currently lacks a dedicated regulatory body.

The new authority would be mandated to license operators, set standards around responsible gambling, and take enforcement action against unlicensed entities. Proponents argue the body is needed to protect consumers and address issues like gambling addiction.

However, some industry executives have warned the increased regulation could stifle innovation and investment in the sector.

The bill was introduced by chair of the parliamentary committee on trade. It will now undergo review before coming up for a vote. Passage is expected to be contentious given disagreements around the appropriate level of regulation for Kenya's gambling industry.

Published November 16, 2023 by Brian Oiriga
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