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Ghanaian presidential candidate proposes to abolish tax on gambling winnings

Ghanaian presidential candidate proposes to abolish tax on gambling winnings

Image source:  unsplash.com, The Artboard

Ghana's Vice President Dr Mahamadu Bawumia has promised to abolish the tax on gambling winnings if he is elected head of state. The presidential candidate said this last Wednesday while presenting a plan for the development of Ghana's economy.

The tax on gambling winnings is 10%. It was introduced by the Government of Ghana in 2023.

Tax is automatically withheld at the time of payout on all bets, gambling and lottery winnings. No tax is withheld if the payout amount is equal to or less than the bet amount.

The tax initiative faced criticism from the younger generation. Its representatives argue that gambling winnings often provide an alternative source of income for vulnerable people and should not be taxed.

Ghana's presidential elections will take place in 2024.

Published February 9, 2024 by Brian Oiriga
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