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Gambling information website launched in Denmark

Gambling information website launched in Denmark

Image source: unsplash.com, Ava Coploff

An information website about gambling has been launched in Denmark. The Internet resource is a project of the Danish Gambling Authority Spillemyndigheden.

The website StyrPåSpillet.dk provides Danish residents with information related to land-based gambling, including lotteries, and online gambling. It also discusses the topic of problem gambling.

The website will also include content for parents and teachers, designed specifically for students aged 13 to 15. The purpose of its posting will be to inform young audiences about safe gambling practices and how to identify problem gambling.

According to the website, 24,500 Danish residents aged 12 to 17 have gambling problems, although the minimum age of eligibility for gambling in Denmark is 18.

A key component of the website is the podcast "Vi snakker om spillet" ("We talk about gambling"), which serves as a platform for people to share their personal experiences of gambling addiction.

Published December 7, 2023 by Brian Oiriga
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